A.2 Unicode Code Points, Categories, Blocks, and Scripts


Unicode is a character set that aims to define all characters and glyphs from all human languages, living and dead. The Unicode Standard defines a codespace of numerical values ranging from 0 through 10FFFF16, called code points and denoted as U+0000 through U+10FFFF (“U+” plus the code point value in hexadecimal, prepended with leading zeros as necessary to result in a minimum of four digits1. This section introduces regular expressions that leverage this powerful mapping.

We have stated that . matches any single character, in Unicode parlance this means “the dot matches any single Unicode code point”. For instance, à can be encoded as two code points: U+0061 (a) followed by U+0300 (grave accent)2. In this situation, . applied to à will match the first code point without the accent. ^.$ will fail to match, and ^..$ matches à.

The Unicode code point U+0300 (grave accent) is a combining mark. Any code point that is not a combining mark can be followed by any number of combining marks. This sequence, like U+0061 U+0300 above, is displayed as a single grapheme3 on the screen.

To match a single grapheme, whether it be just one codepoint all a codepoint followed by multiple combining marks, we can use metacharacter \X, which is rougly the Unicode version of .. One difference is that \X always matches line break characters.

A.2.1 Unicode categories

In the case of regualr expressions, Unicode also brings new possibilites of matching. One notion is that each Unicode character belongs to a certain category. For example, \p{L} will match a single character belonging to the letter category, and \p{P} means the punctuation category. There are also subcategories such as \p{LI} will match the lowercase letter subcategory, children of \p{L}. A list of all Unicode categories and subcategories can be found at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_character_property#General_Category.

A.2.2 Unicode scripts

The Unicode standard places each assigned code point (character) into one script. A script is a group of code points used by a particular human writing system. There are scripts like Thai Thai correspond to a single human language (denoted by \p{Common}), and scripts like Latin spanning multiple languages (denoted by \p{Latin}, including basic ASCII characters, latin supplements, latin extended and more).

\p{Han} is the script for Chinese.

str_view_all("彷佛全世界的细雨下在全世界的grassland上", "\\p{Han}")

A special script is the Common script. This script contains all sorts of characters that are common to a wide range of scripts. It includes all sorts of punctuation, whitespace and miscellaneous symbols.

A.2.3 Unicode blocks

A Unicode block is a certain range of code points. An essential difference between blocks and scripts is that a block is a single contiguous range of code points, and blocks do not correspond 100% with scripts.

For ASCII characters, the block is [\u0000–\u007F], and for Chinese [\u4E00-\u9FA5]

  1. Not all codepoint correspond to a character since there are many reserved positions, the first meaningful character in current Unicode is U+0020, which is the blank space as word divider↩︎

  2. In R, this can be printed with print("\u0061\u0300")↩︎

  3. The smallest meaningful contrastive unit in a writing system.↩︎