
Hello and welcome to the companion website for DSCI1000: How Data Shape Our World.

My name is Qiushi Yan and I am one of the TAs for this course. This is where I collect student questions and answers for each lecture.

This is also an alternative place for Q&A other than emails. Any student (not limited to those assigned to me) is welcome to post questions in the comment section at the bottom of each page or using the discussion forum associated with the github repository, and it doesn’t have to be during office hours. Typically I will answer once I see them, or if it is a common problem I will highlight it during office hours. I hope this will make solutions accessible to anyone and not just between a 1v1 chat. Though there is no requirement that you need to make your questions public, just contact me in private if you are not comfortable doing so.

My office hours are 4pm - 6pm every Wednesday, Zoom link.

Relevant links