This package is a wrapper around the javascript chart.xkcd library to create xkcd-styled chart for R.
You can install the development version of xkcd like so:
Inspired by echarts4r
, a plot is created first by initialization of x_chart
, which is appended by functions such as x_line
, x_point
and x_bar
specifying chart type. For example, a line graph of yearly average life expectancy from the gapminder
dataset is created as follows
df <- gapminder::gapminder |>
filter(country %in% c("United States", "United Kingdom", "Canada", "Australia"))
df |>
x_chart(title = "my xkcd line graph") |>
x_line(x = "year", y = "lifeExp", color = "country") |>
x_options(legend_position = 4)
See Getting Started for more examples.